never quite constant from day to day.
But between you and I, we change not within,
for friendship is unbroken till the end of time.
But now we come to where our paths diverge;
one leads to my future and one to yours.
I know not if our futures converge,
so let us linger a while and dwell on our past.
For years we've walked this road side by side,
never fully knowing where it would lead.
We thought not of the destination, only the ride,
and looking back, our memories were rich and deep.
You were my partner, competitor, and enemy,
and we lost sight of our bond along the way.
Yet still you were always there for me,
as I will always be there for you.
You were my eyes when I refused to see,
and I was your ears when you wouldn't listen.
I was your complement as you were to me,
helping each other reach the end of our own paths.
Yet our true odyssey begins here,
where we must go our separate ways.
But in my heart I'll keep you near,
hoping to see you again before the end.
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